Welcome to our Planning Page
Planning Systems in Scotland
The Government announced in 1993 that after Local Government Reorganisation, as part of the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994, Community Councils would have a statutory right to be consulted on local planning issues. This has been the case since 1996.
The Government was keen to see an effective Community Council network able to play its part in considering planning issues of local concern. This was in line with its longstanding commitment to securing greater public involvement in environmental matters.
The Purpose of Planning
Planning guides the future development and use of land.
Planning is about where development should happen, where it should not and how it interacts with its surroundings. This requires promoting and facilitating development, while protecting and enhancing the natural and built environment in which we live, work and spend our leisure time.
Careful attention to layout, design and construction should result in places where people want to be.
Development Management
Development Management is the process through which decisions are made on applications for planning permission. In addition to determining planning applications, Development Management includes giving advice to the public; pre-application discussions, processing related applications, e.g. listed buildings, conservation area, and advertisement consents; monitoring implementation of approved applications; enforcement; and appeals.
Please click link to be forwarded to Midlothian Councils ePlanning page. Members of the public can now access this site to search for, inspect, and make comment on planning applications dating back to 2008.
The Role of the Community Council with regards to Planning
Where planning matters are concerned, whether they be planning applications or a new Local Development Plan, the role of your Community Council is to find out, gather and present the views of the community.
Opinion can be divided. We are charged with presenting these views in a balanced and coherent fashion.
The Council will automatically consult us on applications for development that are likely to affect the Mayfield & Easthouses area.