Our Vision
We have worked closely with the Community Futures Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, Midlothian Community Planning Partnership, the Coalfields Regeneration Trust and the local community to come up with a vision of what we want the future to look like for the people of Mayfield and Easthouses. This vision is described in detail in the Mayfield & Easthouses Neighbourhood Plan.
As representatives of the local community we are central to guiding this vision and making sure it is delivered over the next five years.
We want Mayfield and Easthouses to be:
A great place to bring up a family, learn about the world, build a foundation for working and enjoy life to the full
A community built between the city and the countryside, with good access to green open space and to life enhancing jobs
A safe community where people of all ages respect each other
A clean and attractive place filled with colour and pleasant outdoor spaces
A real community trusting its heritage where people look out for each other and continue working together to improve the lives of all residents