Welcome to our Meetings Page
Our meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of the month (excluding January & July) in Mayfield and Easthouses Church, Mayfield.
Our Annual General Meeting is held in June.
All decisions will be decided by a simple majority vote
The Chair will have a second and casting vote should there be a tie.
Every motion or amendment is moved and seconded.
Meetings are well controlled and ordered by the Chair. The Chair has the power to adjourn the meeting if there is disorder.
Special Meetings can be called by the Chair, by the written request of at least half of all Community Councillors or on receipt of a written request from 20 members of the Community.
All meetings are open to the public – on rare occasion items of business can be taken in private should it be relating to an individual or matters of a sensitive nature but this must not be the norm and the decisions from that item must be made public.
The order, relevance and competence of contributions from the public shall be determined by the Chair.
The Format of the Meeting
An agenda which sets out the core business items for each meeting, will be issued on arrival.
Agenda items generally covered at each meeting are:
Minute of the previous meeting
Police Report
Treasurers Report
Community News
Councillors Report
The Secretary is responsible for taking the minute of the meeting, summarising the views of the Community Council and the actions to be taken.
Once the minutes have been agreed they will be circulated to members and uploaded onto our website.