Welcome to our Licensing Page
A new system for administering liquor licensing was introduced by the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 which became fully operational on 1 September 2009.
One of the important changes in the legislation is that the Board is obliged to notify Community Councils of applications.
This entitles us to object within 21 days to an application or: make representations in support or look for modifications or ask for particular conditions to be attached
Please click link to be directed to Midlothian Councils Licensing page
Grounds for Objection
If we decide to object to an application we must do so on the following grounds:
Inconsistency with one or more of the licensing objectives
Preventing crime and disorder Securing public safety
Preventing public nuisance Protecting and proving public health
Protecting children from harm
Premises unsuitable due to:
the nature of activities proposed to be carried on in the premises;
the location,
character and condition of the premises and the persons likely to frequent the premises;
Overprovision in the Area